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Vacuum Dehydration Technology sounds so much more advanced than the current technology we have of basically spinning the heck out of clothes till they’re 90% dry…

Meet the Morus, a tiny, tabletop vacuum dryer that works with stunning efficiency to completely dry and de-wrinkle your clothes in mere minutes. Rather than relying on centrifugal force to dry your clothes, Morus uses a combination of heat and a vacuum to extract every drop of water from your clothes giving you perfectly dry garments you can immediately take out and wear! The technology is a little new-fangled, but to uncomplicate how it works – the Morus uses heat to turn water into vapor (not steam), and generates a vacuum to reduce the pressure to just below the vapor pressure of water (0.0313 atm). This basically accelerates the drying process, extracting every bit of water from your clothes so that they’re 100% dry when they come out. A spinning drum on the Morus ensures that every corner of the clothes you put in is exposed to the heat and the vacuum for the highest efficiency, and a reverse-tumble feature makes sure your clothes don’t get crumpled or wrinkled in the process. To top everything off, the Morus even UV sterilizes your clothes before giving them to you, so not only are they perfectly dry, they’re safe and disinfected too!

Morus gets a lot of things right, from its innovative technique, to its small size, and even energy footprint. The vacuum dehydration technology consumes 40% less energy than conventional dryers, while taking the same amount of time to dry clothes. This method of drying even protects clothes from shrinkage or damage and works exceptionally well with sensitive fabrics. Fitting everything into a small form factor, the Morus can sit right on top of your front-load washing machine, or anywhere in your laundry room, allowing you to quickly dry clothes immediately after washing them… so you can wear them once they’re done with the wash (I’ve always wanted to do that).

The Morus Tumble Dryer is a winner of the Golden Pin Design Award for the year 2020

Designers: Roy Yan and Axe Yi (Morus Technology Co., Ltd.)

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