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Photo du rédacteurPierre


Although they never really went out of fashion, non-electric bicycles have recently seen a surge in popularity. Perhaps it’s because of a renewed interest in fitness and health or as a counter-movement to the increasing popularity of e-scooters. Either way, it’s definitely encouraging to see more people of all ages discovering the joys and benefits of biking these days, whether it’s for commuting to work or just having fun. Unfortunately, that popularity might also bring about an increase in bike thefts, which translates to a growing need for bike locks. These are a dime a dozen, of course, but since we live in modern times, it’s only appropriate that the humble bike lock gets an upgrade, like this simple yet innovative keyless lock that makes securing your bike as simple as locking your car.

Bike locks come in all shapes and levels of complexity. Some are simple chains that you access with a traditional key. Others do try to be smarter and utilize a motor for hands-free operation. Both, however, come with their own disadvantages. Keys are easily lost, and motors easily break or lose battery quickly, leaving you unable to even use your bike. The LAAS Keyless O-Lock, in contrast, is so smart and so integrated into your bike you might even forget it wasn’t an original part of the bike in the first place.

On the outside, LAAS O-Lock is a simple ring that attaches to the bike’s frame and around the rear tire, making it blend seamlessly into your bike’s appearance. There are no motors inside, which means fewer parts that could potentially break or stop working, so you will have to manually lock the O-Lock. Unlocking it, however, is as simple as whipping out your phone and tapping a button in the app. It only takes three seconds to unlock the ring, and you can even do that while you’re still walking toward your bike.

In addition to the ease of use, LAAS O-Lock also brings a convenience that you’d find in smart home locks these days. Since it can unlock using a smartphone app, you can easily share access to that lock with family and friends. Of course, it uses encryption technologies to ensure that only authorized people can unlock it. With no keys, however, you don’t have to worry about someone else losing or getting access to that key either.

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