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If you are a coffee addict then you will feel excited about new appliances that increase the joy you feel when brewing! This conceptual coffee machine is very unlike the espresso makers in the market and it’s the aesthetics that set it apart. It is a dream machine for people who love coffee and space exploration equally (like me!).

The compact capsule shape makes it look like a moon lander for your counter and is obviously powered by caffeine which is only the second most powerful fuel after rocket fuel! The designer’s main focus was to retain some of the rawness and the mechanical steampunk look of the traditional Italian espresso makes while maintaining a clean shape that adds character to the product. There is a tubular water/steam container at the back which I feel can be extended down for added support for the appliance. There is also another container for your beans which I assume leads to a small grinder mechanism inside so you only get the freshest cup of joe each time. Overall, the shape is very unique and combines the nostalgic steampunk elements with clean, smooth curves for a balanced modern machine.

I almost feel like this should come with a voice feature that does a countdown to when your coffee is ready. “I’ve always been fascinated with those big chrome machines that almost looked like a small lab, it made me think about how we perceive coffee now when the whole ritual is being reduced to a capsule and a press of a button. When sitting down to settle on my concept I thought how can I incorporate this love for mechanical and tactile looking objects, with an updated clean look? Can I make a coffee machine that looks scientific but also has a cute character?” says Yehuda. T – 10 seconds till I have my second (or fourth) cup!

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