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Modern, Organic, Plastic-Free Bodycare

Dernière mise à jour : 2 juin 2020

Together, Let's Make The Change.

Let's replace the plastic-packaged products we use everyday with modern, organic, plastic-free skin and bodycare. 

Your pledge will help us create new aluminum and paper packaging so that we can deliver our organic (and vegan!) products to you plastic-free. 

We recommend THE ESSENTIALS, which includes everything you need to get clean AND green – bodywash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, hand sanitizer and lip balm - available for only $59 with Early Bird pricing.


Only 7% of all plastic is ever recycled – and can only be recycled 2-3 times. 

In the last century, we’ve dumped over 150 million metric tons of plastic into our oceans. That’s enough plastic waste to cover the ENTIRE SURFACE of the MOON. And at our current rate, we will add 8 million metric tons (equivalent to 32,000 jumbo jet planes) this year, and the rate continues to accelerate. 

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