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Photo du rédacteurPierre


How many times have you had to buy a separate smaller bottle of your favorite shampoo for travel? Even if you rely on those tiny shampoo bottles that come complimentary with your hotel room, it’s still an extra bottle that you now have to worry about. The Carry On is a simple, borderline-genius solution that gives you a dedicated travel mini-bottle with your existing at-home shampoo bottle. With a compact design that conveniently comes packaged with your regular bottle of shampoo, the Carry On’s mini bottle can be carried around with you on your travels, and refilled whenever you’re running low, so you don’t need to stress out about buying an additional smaller bottle separately to travel with.

A winner of this year’s Asia Design Prize, the Carry On is an economy-sized 1 liter (33.8 fl oz) bottle of shampoo that comes with its own handle built into the bottle’s design. Except, when you buy it off the shelf, the handle has a perfectly-fitting carry bottle nestled into it like a jigsaw-puzzle piece. When you buy one larger bottle, you get a small one for free that’s the ideal size for your toiletry kit. At 50ml (1.7 fl oz), the shampoo bottle easily gets you through a week-long holiday (you won’t shampoo everyday, obviously) comfortably, allowing you to use your favorite shampoo instead of using those substandard ones that come free with your hotel room.

There are a few things about Carry On that are definitely award-worthy. For starters, getting a smaller bottle free with a larger bottle isn’t new – but Carry On’s implementation is genius. It fits the tiny bottle right in the negative space created by the larger bottle’s handle design. This is usually dead space that gets wasted during logistics, but the clever integration allows the Carry On to use that hollow area efficiently. Moreover, let’s also appreciate the fact that the mini bottle (either by coincidence or by design) has a rounded design that looks like a bar of soap, immediately creating that toiletry-based association! Clever, no?!

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