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Are you ready for the weekend? I know it may not feel like ‘weekend’ weekend because we have all been home for two months and we really could use a change of scenery. The closest way to that is playing around with our furniture and that could mean either rearranging it to give our space a new look or using IKEA’s 6 furniture fort idea. We all know which one is more fun!

To stay safe from the pandemic, we are holding the fort and staying home. But to make quarantine better, IKEA has given us 6 illustrations in their iconic style to build some cozy forts! These are all without screws so there is no assembly-anxiety. The options are Castle, Fortress, Wigwam, House, Campingtent, and Cave. Each of these forms resonates with a memory we have had either indoors or outdoors. Castle will make you nostalgic because it is the fort we built during our childhood with four chairs, a lamp and a sheet – classic! Fortress makes me feel like it is the business class of forts with its cabin-like build. Wigwam is also another childhood reminiscent of the tipi tent, it does have a smaller capacity compared to the others. House is the easiest one, I used to make it with my siblings all the time! Campingtent like the name suggests is all about bringing the outdoors in – get your smores ready on the stove and put on some nature sounds to really create that ambiance. The Cave is basically for all of us quarantining with parents, no matter the age. It is nice to end conversations with “Alright, I am going back into my cave now!”.

IKEA has always been a happy place, you could really spend the whole day there and end it with their famous meatballs. Since we can’t go to what is Disneyland for adults, they are bringing some of that magic back home to us.

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