A young brand, a passion for artisanal products, the meeting of two friends and the desire to bet on the future of timeless products such as Vermouth, Bitter and Amaro: and so Ezio Primatesta, an entrepreneur in the hospitality industry, together with Luca Garofalo, graphic designer, throw themselves headlong into a new adventure.
A friendship that turns into an unusual challenge: producing and marketing a vermouth, the Piedmontese liqueur par excellence, from Lake Orta
After a precious partnership with Bordiga, a well-known distillery from the Cuneo area, which still uses the wood-burning alembic today, GLEP Beverages is born. Together, they decide to make an impact with unusual labels as well as producing the highest quality of drinks.
The result is a young brand, with five elements that give life to their liqueurs “alchemy, nature, an alembic of the ‘700 made in copper, tenacity and very rare beasts”, between history, myth, and reality.
Here comes the first brand of traditional liquors made in Alto Piemonte, re-interpreted in an unusual and unique way.