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Drag Syndrome

Drag Syndrome is the world's first professional drag company for queens and kings with Down’s syndrome. Before drag, the group of artists had worked together across various dance projects – under the umbrella of Culture Device, which is Daniel’s company, set up to work with artists who have Down’s Syndrome. Some of their accolades include a residency at the Royal Opera House, or their two recent ballets where 22 dancers with Down’s Syndrome collaborated with six dancers from the Royal Ballet. 

“It started because we were invited to perform in a specific space, and there were a couple of drag queens there,” Daniel continues. “One of the artists said, ‘I want to try to do that.’ And then I said, ‘You know, drag is an art form. It’s quite intense and you have to know what you’re doing.’ And then they said this is something that they really want to do. So I came up with the title Drag Syndrome on the spot and we all giggled.”

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