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  • Photo du rédacteurPierre

Development of the post-consumer silicone recycling process

We are thrilled to share with you our innovative project in collaboration with Lékué. We have achieved what once seemed impossible: the development of a silicone recycling process. Silicone has long been considered a non-recyclable material, but through the design of industrial processes, we can now incorporate up to 50% post-consumer silicone in the creation of new products.

In all our recycling projects, we always seek the perfect balance, considering not only the most effective recycling percentage but also the technical properties and visual perception of the finish. Because we understand that more recycling is not always the best option. Our approach is clear: every product must offer impeccable functionality and deliver a seamless user experience. And, believe us, the finishes and the new aesthetics of recycled materials play a crucial role in achieving this.

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