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Designing for a circular future

Circularity is about transforming the existing ‘take, make, waste’ linear model to the opposite – reuse, refurbish, remanufacture, and recycle. One key piece of the puzzle is to adopt circular thinking during the design phase of the product, developing it right from the beginning so it can reach its full circularity potential one day.

IKEA is committed to becoming a circular business by 2030. This is a great challenge and an opportunity to reshape how we see value in the things around us. Here we offer our take on what circular product design means and how to navigate this approach when designing a new product or simply understanding how circular an existing product already is. Use this interactive tool to follow the journey of designing for circularity. This tool is intended to be a guide. In its contents, you will find inspiration, direction, and food for thought. It is not a checklist of things to do, rather a place to start.

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