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Apple Shows You How to Film Stop-Motion, Time-Lapse and Slow-Mo on iPhone 12

The Apple iPhone 12 and 12 Pro have some of the best user-friendly cameras available on the smartphone market, but no matter how much we try to fiddle with the settings we seldom produce pictures as clean as the “Shot on iPhone” adverts that dominate billboards and subway posters. To help us understand our iPhones better, Apple‘s official YouTube channel has released a new video titled “Shot on iPhone 12 — Everyday Experiments: Full Bloom,” which talks you through filming professional-quality stop-motion, slow-mo, and time-lapse films. Apple’s tutorial is split into three parts, those being detailed experiments of how the Incite team captures different realms of floral footage using the stop-motion, slow-mo, and time-lapse functions. The gurus show that shooting on the iPhone 12 is rather simple, as long as you have essential equipment such as a tripod and backgrounds that serve as a contrast to the bright floral colors. For those looking to take it up a notch, the Apple team shows how to use fishing wire and glass panels to produce floating or depth effects. Take a look at the video above to learn more about Apple’s “Shot on iPhone 12” experiments.

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